There is nothing like a faker apology – except, maybe, an insincere one.
You may not think you did anything wrong, but you do sincerely want to clear the air
and be the bigger person. Considering the circumstances it’s acceptable.
It does seem to me that people are sorry way too often. No one takes responsibility for their actions. They do something stupid or wrong and expect all consequences to disappear because they are sorry. There are also the ones who are sorry all the time, sorry about this, sorry about that, sorry, sorry, sorry….
If you’re apologizing that often don’t you think there’s a problem???
By apologizing that often, have you not realized that you’re no longer sincere??
I find these apologies worthless and insulting, because you know the person isn’t sorry and that in 5 min he or she will do something similar again.
If you say you’re sorry and really mean it, one would think you’d try really hard not to repeat what ever it is you were sorry about.
Apologizing does not mean all is well that ends well either. Why is it that some people apologize and expect to be forgiven instantly?? The fact that you are apologizing is showing remorse, it does not constitute forgiveness.
If you did something wrong pay your dues!
Sorry, does not erase your actions.