Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Beginning

I’ve decided to create this blog to document this new beginning in my life. This new beginning started Tuesday when my boss took me aside to give me my yearly evaluation. We walked into a room where this woman from hr was already sitting waiting. My situation was explained to me briefly. This woman whom I will keep anonymous went on to explain that I possess several great qualities and that I was very well liked by my team. Yet the company was putting an end to my employment with after 1 year as an assistant merchandiser (assistant buyer).
It was a bit of a shock yet I feel relieved. There was my chance to brake free from this hierarchy of gossip oriented 450’s with no taste and know it all divas with moustache. I cannot generalize because I have had the chance to meet some wonderful people which I sure hope will stay in my life for ever.
That same night I meditated and could only think of how much of a failure I was. How could I not be up to the job? There had never been a job or anything I was not up to do. The words of encouragement from my co-workers resonated in my head like little atom bombs and
suddenly it came to me. Get off your ass and just do it! Just because these people can’t see your potential doesn’t mean you don’t have any. So fuck them and prove to yourself that you can achieve anything.
So here I am at the first step in my journey.

1 comment:

  1. bonne chance nicola!
    you deserve to just do it! and you are! love you!
